Water Source Heat Pump

Water Source Heat Pump
  A type of (geothermal) heat pump that uses well (ground) or surface water as a heat source. Water has a more stable seasonal temperature than air thus making for a more efficient heat source.

Energy terms . 2014.

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  • Water source heat pump —   A type of (geothermal) heat pump that uses well (ground) or surface water as a heat source. Water has a more stable seasonal temperature than air thus making for a more efficient heat source.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information… …   Energy terms

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  • Geothermal Heat Pump —   A type of heat pump that uses the ground, ground water, or ponds as a heat source and heat sink, rather than outside air. Ground or water temperatures are more constant and are warmer in winter and cooler in summer than air temperatures.… …   Energy terms

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