Space heating — is the heating of a space, usually enclosed, such as a house or room. A space heater keeps the air and surroundings at a comfortable temperature for people or animals, or even plants in a greenhouse. Space heating generally warms a small space,… … Wikipedia
space heating — space heating, adj. the heating of a limited area, as a room, by means of a heater (space heater) within the area. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
space heating — noun : heating of spaces especially for human comfort by any means (as by fuel, electricity, or solar radiation) with the heater either within the space or external to it * * * space heating, adj. the heating of a limited area, as a room, by… … Useful english dictionary
space heating — space′ heat ing n. bui the heating of a limited area, as a room, by means of a heater(space′ heat er)within the area • Etymology: 1930–35 … From formal English to slang
space-heating — space heatˈing noun • • • Main Entry: ↑space … Useful english dictionary
space heating — noun Date: 1934 heating of spaces especially for human comfort by any means (as fuel, electricity, or solar radiation) with the heater either within the space or external to it … New Collegiate Dictionary
space heating — noun Heating of rooms within buildings … Wiktionary
Heating intensity — The ratio of space heating consumption or expenditures to square footage of heated floor space and heating degree days (base 65 degrees Fahrenheit). This ratio provides a way of comparing different types of housing units and households by… … Energy terms
heating — n. central; forced air; space heating * * * [ hiːtɪŋ] forced air space heating central … Combinatory dictionary
Heating Degree Days — (HDD) A measure of how cold a location is over a period of time relative to a base temperature, most commonly specified as 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The measure is computed for each day by subtracting the average of the day s high and low… … Energy terms