Energy production

Energy production
  See production terms associated with specific energy types.
  U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration's Energy Glossary

Energy terms . 2014.

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  • Primary energy production —   Production of primary energy. The U.S. Energy Information Administration includes the following in U.S. primary energy production: coal production, waste coal supplied, and coal refuse recovery; crude oil and lease condensate production;… …   Energy terms

  • Net Energy Production — (or Balance)   The amount of useful energy produced by a system less the amount of energy required to produce the fuel …   Energy terms

  • Energy Costs —   Costs, such as for fuel, that are related to and vary with energy production or consumption …   Energy terms

  • Production, natural gas liquids —   Production of natural gas liquids is classified as follows:   • Contract Production. Natural gas liquids accruing to a company because of its ownership of liquids extraction facilities that it uses to extract liquids from gas belonging to… …   Energy terms

  • Energy Policy Act of 2005 — Enacted by the 109th United States Congress Citations Public Law …   Wikipedia

  • Energy recycling — is utilizing energy that would normally be wasted, usually by converting it into electricity or thermal energy. Energy recycling which can be undertaken at manufacturing facilities, power plants, and large institutions such as hospitals and… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy policy — is the manner in which a given entity (often governmental) has decided to address issues of energy development including energy production, distribution and consumption. The attributes of energy policy may include legislation, international… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy law — is the law of the use and taxation of energy, both renewable and non renewable. It is distinct from energy policy in that it consists of the primary authorities such as caselaw, statutes, rules, regulations and edicts about energy, rather than… …   Wikipedia

  • Production costs —   Costs incurred to operate and maintain wells and related equipment and facilities, including depreciation and applicable operating costs of support equipment and facilities and other costs of operating and maintaining those wells and related… …   Energy terms

  • Production, natural gas, wet after lease separation —   The volume of natural gas withdrawn from reservoirs less (1) the volume returned to such reservoirs in cycling, repressuring of oil reservoirs, and conservation operations; less (2) shrinkage resulting from the removal of lease condensate; and… …   Energy terms

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