Difference of Potential

Difference of Potential
  The difference in electrical pressure (voltage) between any two points in an electrical system or between any point in an electrical system and the earth.

Energy terms . 2014.

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  • potential — 1. Capable of doing or being, although not yet doing or being; possible, but not actual. 2. A state of tension in an electric source enabling it to do work under suitable conditions; in relation to electricity, p. is analogous to the temperature… …   Medical dictionary

  • Potential method — In algorithms, the potential method is a method used to analyze the amortized time and space complexity of an algorithm. It can be thought of as a generalization of the accounting method and the debit method. It is useful in cases where it is… …   Wikipedia

  • potential difference — noun the difference in potential energy between two points in an electric field; the difference in charge between two points in an electrical circuit; voltage …   Wiktionary

  • Potential output — In economics, potential output (also referred to as natural gross domestic product ) refers to the highest level of real Gross Domestic Product output that can be sustained over the long term. The existence of a limit is due to natural and… …   Wikipedia

  • potential difference — noun Date: 1892 the difference in potential between two points that represents the work involved or the energy released in the transfer of a unit quantity of electricity from one point to the other …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • potential difference — /pətɛnʃəl ˈdɪfrəns/ (say puhtenshuhl difruhns) noun the difference in potential between two points, defined as the work performed when unit positive charge is moved from one point to the other; voltage drop. Abbrev.: p.d …  

  • Difference due to Memory — (Dm) indexes differences in neural activity during the study phase of an experiment for items that subsequently are remembered compared to items that are later forgotten. It is mainly discussed as an event related potential (ERP) effect that… …   Wikipedia

  • potential difference — potential dif·fer·ence dif (ə )rən(t)s n the difference in electrical potential between two points that represents the work involved or the energy released in the transfer of a unit quantity of electricity from one point to the other compare… …   Medical dictionary

  • Potential theory — may be defined as the study of harmonic functions. Definition and comments The term potential theory arises from the fact that, in 19th century physics, the fundamental forces of nature were believed to be derived from potentials which satisfied… …   Wikipedia

  • potential — [pō ten′shəl, pəten′shəl] adj. [ME potenciall < ML potentialis < L potentia: see POTENT] 1. that has power; potent 2. that can, but has not yet, come into being; possible; latent; unrealized; undeveloped 3. Gram. expressing possibility,… …   English World dictionary

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