Auto - Ball
- Automatic (or Remote) Meter Reading System
- Automatic Damper
- Automatic meter reading
- Automatic set-back or clock thermostat
- Automobile and truck classifications
- autonomous system
- Auxiliary energy subsystem
- Auxiliary equipment
- Auxiliary generator
- Auxillary Energy or System
- Availability
- Available but not Needed Capability
- Available but not needed capability
- Available Heat
- Average Annual Percent Change
- Average Cost
- Average daily production
- Average delivered price
- Average Demand
- Average household energy expenditures
- Average hydro
- Average mine price
- Average Number of Employees
- Average Open Market Sales Price
- Average production per miner per day
- Average production per miner per hour
- Average Recovery Percentage
- Average Revenue per Kilowatt-hour
- Average revenue per kilowatthour
- Average stream flow
- Average vehicle fuel consumption
- Average vehicle miles traveled
- Average water conditions
- Average Wind Speed
- Aviation gasoline
- Aviation gasoline blending components
- Avoided Cost
- Avoided Costs
- Awning
- 1
- 2