Yellowcake — Eine Trommel mit Yellowcake Yellowcake (englisch ‚Gelbkuchen‘ oder ‚gelber Kuchen‘) ist ein gelbes, pulverförmiges Ge … Deutsch Wikipedia
Yellowcake — en poudre Le yellowcake (de l anglais « gâteau jaune ») est un concentré d uranium. C est une poudre grossière qui n est pas soluble dans l eau et qui contient environ 80 % d uraninite, fondant à environ 2878 °C. Le yellowcake … Wikipédia en Français
yellowcake — [yel′ōkāk΄] n. a uranium concentrate, primarily (NH4) 2U2O7 or Na2U2O7, obtained by the extraction of uranium from ores: also yellow cake … English World dictionary
Yellowcake — For the falsified documents, see Yellowcake forgery. Chembox new Name = Yellowcake ImageFile = Yellowcake.jpg ImageSize = 250px OtherNames = urania Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = variable, see text… … Wikipedia
yellowcake — noun Yellowcake is used before these nouns: ↑uranium … Collocations dictionary
yellowcake — /yel oh kayk /, n. a processed oxide of uranium, U3O8, extracted and concentrated from uranium ore: used as the raw material for commercial nuclear materials, esp. fuel elements in nuclear reactors. Also, yellow cake. [1945 50; YELLOW + CAKE] * * … Universalium
yellowcake — noun A concentrated form of uranium ore containing a mixture of oxides Syn: urania … Wiktionary
yellowcake — uranium ore (U3O8) … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
yellowcake — noun impure uranium oxide obtained during processing of uranium ore. Origin 1950s; so named because it is obtained as a yellow precipitate … English new terms dictionary
yellowcake — /ˈjɛloʊkeɪk / (say yelohkayk) noun uranium oxide in an unprocessed form, which has low radioactivity …