Buy Through

Buy Through
  An agreement between utility and customer to import power when the customer's service would otherwise be interrupted.
  California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms

Energy terms . 2014.

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  • Buy side — is a financial term used in financial security trading.As opposed to the sell side, which refers to banks and brokerages who are required to be market makers in a given security, the buy side refers to firms which buy and sell as customers of… …   Wikipedia

  • Buy Nothing Day — Anti consumerism Ideas and theory Spectacle · Culture jamming · Corporate crime · Media bias · Buy Nothing Day · Alternative culture · Simple living · …   Wikipedia

  • buy — To acquire the ownership of property by giving an accepted price or consideration therefor; or by agreeing to do so; to acquire by the payment of a price or value; to purchase. To obtain something for a price, usually money. See also purchase @… …   Black's law dictionary

  • buy — To acquire the ownership of property by giving an accepted price or consideration therefor; or by agreeing to do so; to acquire by the payment of a price or value; to purchase. To obtain something for a price, usually money. See also purchase @… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Buy — To purchase an asset; taking a long position. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. buy buy 1 [baɪ] verb bought PTandPP [bɔt ǁ bɒːt] [transitive] 1 …   Financial and business terms

  • buy — To purchase an asset; taking a long position. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary bid (or buy) An offer to buy a specific quantity of a commodity at a stated price. The price that the market participants are willing to pay. Chicago Mercantile Exchange …   Financial and business terms

  • Buy term and invest the difference — Buying term and investing the difference is a concept involving term life insurance and investment strategies that allow individuals to eventually Self Insure and provides an alternative to permanent life insurance. Generally speaking term… …   Wikipedia

  • Buy And Homework — A buzz word coined by Jim Cramer based on the idea that buy and hold is a losing strategy. Cramer s buy and homework strategy is to spend at least one hour a week researching each stock in your portfolio. The research the buy and homework… …   Investment dictionary

  • Buy Stop Order — An order to buy a security which is entered at a price above the current offering price. It is triggered when the market price touches or goes through the buy stop price. People using a buy stop hope to gain if momentum gains on a particular… …   Investment dictionary

  • Buy A Spread — Option strategy that will be profitable if the underlying security rises in value moderately. A bull spread can be executed either by put or call options. If the bull spread is executed through a put option, it is called a bull put spread. If it… …   Investment dictionary

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