- steam injected gas turbine
Energy terms . 2014.
Energy terms . 2014.
Stig — is a common forename for men in Scandinavia notable people with this name include:* Stig Andersen Hvide, a 13th century Danish marsk and magnate * Stikkan Anderson, given name Stig, manager of the Swedish band ABBA * Stig Arild Råket, Swedish… … Wikipedia
Stig — ist ein skandinavischer Männername, dessen Ursprung in Dänemark liegt. Der Name kommt vom Wort stiga, was so viel wie „Wanderer“ bedeutet. Ab dem 12. Jahrhundert breitete sich der Name weiter nach Norden aus. Seit den 1950er Jahren geht seine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
stig|ma — «STIHG muh», noun, plural mas or ma|ta. 1. a mark of disgrace or shame; stain or reproach on one s reputation: »But, in the lapse of…years…the scarlet letter ceased to be a stigma which attracted the world s scorn (Hawthorne). They were suffering … Useful english dictionary
Stig — m Scandinavian: from the Old Norse personal name Stígr, a short form of Stígandr (see STIAN (SEE Stian)) … First names dictionary
stig|ma|ta — «STIHG muh tuh», noun. 1. a plural of stigma. 2. marks or wounds like the five wounds on the crucified body of Christ, in the hands, feet, and side, said to appear supernaturally on the bodies of certain persons. ╂[< Greek stígmata, plural of… … Useful english dictionary
stig·ma·ta — /stıgˈmɑːtə/ noun [plural] : marks on someone s hands and feet which resemble Jesus Christ s wounds from being nailed on the cross … Useful english dictionary
stig — an·a·stig·mat·ic; neo·stig·mine; no·to·stig·ma; phy·so·stig·mine; pleu·ro·stig·ma; pro·stig·ma·ta; pro·stig·min; stig·ma; stig·mal; stig·mar·ia; stig·mar·i·oid; stig·mas·ter·ol; stig·ma·tif·er·ous; stig·mat·i·form; stig·ma·tism; stig·ma·tist;… … English syllables
Stig — Les régions de Serbie Le Stig (en serbe cyrillique : Стиг) est une région située à l est de la Serbie. La région de Stig correspond au cours inférieur de la rivière Mlava, un affluent droit du Danube. Les localités les plus importantes de la … Wikipédia en Français
stig — stìg interj. kartojant nusakomas bėgimas: Stig stig nustignojo, t. y. nubėgo J … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Stig — nordischer Name, Bedeutung: Wanderer. Namensträger: Stig Dagerman, schwedischer Schriftsteller … Deutsch namen
stig — n an outsider, misfit, provincial bumpkin. The term became popular in 2003 and 2004 together with other terms synony mous with chav. It had been used in this disparaging sense previously, possibly after the publication of Clive King s chil dren s … Contemporary slang