- Production Costing
- A method used to determine the most economical way to operate a given system of power resources under given load conditions.
Energy terms . 2014.
Energy terms . 2014.
costing — cost‧ing [ˈkɒstɪŋ ǁ ˈkɒːst ] noun [countable, uncountable] ACCOUNTING the process of calculating the cost of a future activity or product, or the calculation itself: • Railtrack originally said the scheme would cost £100 million, but last year… … Financial and business terms
Production Rate — In manufacturing, the number of goods that can be produced during a given period of time. Alternatively, the amount of time it takes to produce one unit of a good. In construction, the rate at which workers are expected to complete a certain… … Investment dictionary
costing — / kɒstɪŋ/ noun a calculation of the manufacturing costs, and so the selling price of a product ● The costings give us a retail price of $2.95. ● We cannot do the costing until we have details of all the production expenditure … Marketing dictionary in english
costing — / kɒstɪŋ/ noun a calculation of the manufacturing costs, and so the selling price, of a product ● The costings give us a retail price of $2.95. ● We cannot do the costing until we have details of all the production expenditure … Dictionary of banking and finance
production cost variance — In standard costing, the variance arising when the standard cost of the actual production is compared with the actual cost incurred. If the standard cost is higher than the actual cost a favourable variance arises, while if the actual cost… … Accounting dictionary
production cost variance — In standard costing, the variance arising when the standard cost of the actual production is compared with the actual cost incurred. If the standard cost is higher than the actual cost a favourable variance arises, while if the actual cost… … Big dictionary of business and management
Costing analyst — This person prepares a breakdown of cost in regard to garment manufacturing, which is inclusive of production piece rates, material costs, import duties, and quotas, as well as sourcing options … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
Process costing — is an accounting methodology that traces and accumulates direct costs, and allocates indirect costs of a manufacturing process. Costs are assigned to products, usually in a large batch, which might include an entire month s production. Eventually … Wikipedia
Activity-based Costing — L’activity based costing, ou méthode ABC est une méthode de gestion de la performance qui permet de comprendre la formation des coûts et les causes de leurs variations. Sommaire 1 Enjeux et histoire de la méthode ABC 1.1 Enjeux de la méthode ABC… … Wikipédia en Français
Activity-based costing — L’activity based costing, ou méthode ABC, est une méthode de gestion de la performance qui permet de comprendre la formation des coûts et les causes de leurs variations. Sommaire 1 Enjeux et histoire de la méthode ABC 1.1 Enjeux de la méthode ABC … Wikipédia en Français