Northwest Power Pool

Energy terms . 2014.

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  • Nepal Workers Peasants Party — नेपाल मजदुर किसान पार्टी President Narayan Man Bijukchhe Secretary General Sunil Prajapati Headquarters Bhaktapur Youth wing …   Wikipedia

  • Nepal — /neuh pawl , pahl , pal , nay /, n. a constitutional monarchy in the Himalayas between N India and Tibet. 22,641,061; ab. 54,000 sq. mi. (140,000 sq. km). Cap.: Katmandu. * * * Nepal Introduction Nepal Background: In 1951, the Nepalese monarch… …   Universalium

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  • Parti des travailleurs et des paysans du népal — (en) Nepal Workers Peasants Party …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Madhav Kumar Nepal — ( ne. माधव कुमार नेपाल, born March 12, 1953K.C., Surendra. Aitihasik dastavej sangroh bhag 2 . Kathmandu: Pairavi Prakashan, 2063 B.S.. p 460.] ) is a Nepalese politician; he was the General Secretary of Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist… …   Wikipedia

  • Binod Kumar Shah — is a Nepalese politician. In the 1994 election he was elected to the Pratinidhi Sabha as the candidate of the Nepal Workers Peasants Party from the Dailekh 2 constituency. Shah won with 13640 votes againt 6725 votes for Ranga Bahadur Shahi of the …   Wikipedia

  • Bhaktapur — भक्तपुर Bhaktapur Basisdaten Gründung: 865 n. Chr. S …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wahl zur verfassungsgebenden Versammlung in Nepal 2008 — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: aktuelle Ergebnisse der Wahl Fotos, Informationen zu den Parteien Grafik über die Sitzverteilung Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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