- megavolt-amperes
Energy terms . 2014.
Energy terms . 2014.
MVA-B — MVA B, or Modified Vaccinia Ankara B, is a particular HIV vaccine created to give immune resistance to infection by the HIV virus. It was developed by a team of Spanish researchers at the Spanish National Research Council s Biotechnology National … Wikipedia
MVA — may stand for:*MTV Video Music Awards *Manual vacuum aspiration, a method of abortion that consists of removing the embryo by suction *Market Value Accounting, an alternative accounting method used by banks *Market value added, an economic metric … Wikipedia
MVA — [Abk. für Multi Domain Vertical Alignment, dt. »vertikale Ausrichtung in vielen Bereichen«], neuerer Typ von Flüssigkritallbildschirm (LCD), den der Hersteller Fujitsu entwickelt hat. Die Flüssigkristalle sind senkrecht zur Bildschirmoberfläche … Universal-Lexikon
MVA — UK US noun FINANCE ► [U] ABBREVIATION for market value added: the difference between what an investment is worth now compared to the money that has been put into it over time: »MVA can be a more useful indicator of profitability than earnings per … Financial and business terms
MVA — steht für: Müllverbrennungsanlage Multi domain Vertical Alignment, eine LCD Variante Market Value Added Multivariate Analyse Megavoltampere, siehe Voltampere Milchviehanlage, ein Begriff aus der DDR Landwirtschaft … Deutsch Wikipedia
MVA — es la abreviatura de megavoltiamperio, una unidad de potencia aparente utilizada con frecuencia en grandes instalaciones de generación de energía eléctrica, como centrales hidroeléctricas y otras. Equivale a la potencia aparente de 1 voltio x 1… … Wikipedia Español
MVA — (no periods), Missouri Valley Authority … Useful english dictionary
MVA — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
MVA — Motor Vehicle Accident (Medical » Physiology) Market Value Adjustment (Business » Stock Exchange) Motor Vehicle Administration (Governmental) *** Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (Medical » Physiology) *** Market Value Added (Business » Accounting) … Abbreviations dictionary
MVA — mechanical ventricular assistance; mevalonic acid; mitral valve area; modified vaccinia virus Ankara; Modified Virus Ankara; motor vehicle accident … Medical dictionary
mVA — Millivoltampere … Acronyms