- Life-cycle cost
- Amount of money necessary to own, operate and maintain a building over its useful life.California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms
Energy terms . 2014.
Energy terms . 2014.
Life Cycle Cost — Le Life Cycle Cost (LCC), est un outil managérial qui permet de connaître le coût de production d’un produit pendant toute sa durée de vie depuis sa fabrication jusqu’au démontage. Voici la décomposition du calcul LCC : LCC = Cic + Cin + Ce… … Wikipédia en Français
life-cycle cost — the life cycle cost of a project is the total cost of providing the asset and services to the end of the contract term. It includes capital costs, finance, running costs, staff costs and the total cost of maintenance, taking into account the… … Law dictionary
life cycle cost — UK US (also lifecycle cost) noun [C] ► PRODUCTION, MARKETING the total money that has to be spent on a product, process, activity, etc. during its existence: »The life cycle cost estimate for the program was $13.8 billion … Financial and business terms
Life cycle cost analysis — can refer to: * Life cycle assessment refers to the investigation and valuation of the environmental impacts of a given product or service caused or necessitated by its existence. * Whole life cost refers to the total cost of ownership over the… … Wikipedia
Life Cycle Cost — Life Cycle Costing (auf deutsch: Kosten innerhalb eines Lebenszyklus) ist eine Kostenmanagement Methode, die die Entwicklung eines Produktes von der Produktidee bis zur Rücknahme vom Markt betrachtet (Produktlebenszyklus), also von der Wiege bis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Life Cycle Cost — The sum of all the costs both recurring and nonrecurring, related to a product, structure, system, or service during its life span or specified time period … Energy terms
Bridge Life Cycle Cost Analysis — (BLCCA), which is focus on the analysis ofindividual bridges, typically designates a planning or time horizon as theperiod of time over which all costs are to be estimated.Transportation officials consider life cycle cost analysis an… … Wikipedia
Pavement Life Cycle Cost Analysis — In September 1998, the US Department of Transportation (DoT) introduced risk analysis, a probabilistic approach to account for the uncertainty of the inputs of the cost/benefit evaluation of pavement projects, into their decision making policies … Wikipedia
Levelized Life Cycle Cost — A total life cycle cost divided into equal amounts … Energy terms
Life Cycle Costing — (auf deutsch: Kosten innerhalb eines Lebenszyklus) ist eine Kostenmanagement Methode, die die Entwicklung eines Produktes von der Produktidee bis zur Rücknahme vom Markt betrachtet (Produktlebenszyklus), also von der Wiege bis ins Grab . Dabei… … Deutsch Wikipedia