
  The highest rank of coal; used primarily for residential and commercial space heating. It is a hard, brittle, and black lustrous coal, often referred to as hard coal, containing a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low percentage of volatile matter. The moisture content of fresh-mined anthracite generally is less than 15 percent. The heat content of anthracite ranges from 22 to 28 million Btu per ton on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis. The heat content of anthracite coal consumed in the United States averages 25 million Btu per ton, on the as-received basis (i.e., containing both inherent moisture and mineral matter). Note: Since the 1980's, anthracite refuse or mine waste has been used for steam electric power generation. This fuel typically has a heat content of 15 million Btu per ton or less.
  U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration's Energy Glossary
  Hard coal, found deep in the earth. It burns very hot, with little flame. It usually has a heating value of 12,000-15,000 British thermal units (Btus) per pound.
  California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms
  A hard, dense type of coal, that is hard to break, clean to handle, difficult to ignite, and that burns with an intense flame and with the virtual absence of smoke because it contains a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low percentage of volatile matter.

Energy terms . 2014.

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  • Anthracite — (Greek Ανθρακίτης, literally a type of coal , from Anthrax [Άνθραξ] , coal) is a hard, compact variety of mineral coal that has a high lustre. It has the highest carbon count and contains the fewest impurities of all coals, despite its lower… …   Wikipedia

  • anthracite — [ ɑ̃trasit ] n. m. • 1803; a désigné depuis le XVIe diverses roches; du gr. anthrax, akos « charbon » ♦ Charbon (houille) d une variété très pure, donnant peu de cendres lors de sa combustion lente. Qui contient de l anthracite (anthraciteux,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Anthracite — An thra*cite, n. [L. anthracites a kind of bloodstone; fr. Gr. ? like coals, fr. ?, ?, coal or charcoal. Cf. {Anthrax}.] A hard, compact variety of mineral coal, of high luster, differing from bituminous coal in containing little or no bitumen,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anthracite — (n.) non bituminous coal, 1812, earlier (c.1600) a type of ruby like gem described by Pliny, from L. anthracites bloodstone, semi precious gem, from Gk. anthrakites coal like, from anthrax (gen. anthrakos) live coal (see ANTHRAX (Cf. anthrax)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • anthracite — ► NOUN ▪ hard coal that burns with little flame and smoke. ORIGIN Greek anthrakit s, from anthrax coal …   English terms dictionary

  • anthracite — [an′thrə sīt΄] n. [Gr anthrakitis, kind of coal < anthrax, coal] a shiny black, hard, metamorphic coal that contains a low percentage of volatile matter and burns with a smokeless flame: also called hard coal: see BITUMINOUS COAL anthracitic… …   English World dictionary

  • Anthracite — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Anthracite (homonymie). L anthracite (du grec anthrax, Άνθραξ, charbon) est une roche sédimentaire d origine organique. C est une variété de charbon grise, noirâtre et brillante extraite des mines. Il contient 92 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • anthracite — anthracitic /an threuh sit ik/, anthracitous /an threuh suy teuhs/, adj. /an threuh suyt /, n. a mineral coal containing little of the volatile hydrocarbons and burning almost without flame; hard coal. Also called anthracite coal. [1810 15; prob …   Universalium

  • Anthracite — Coal Coal (k[=o]l), n. [AS. col; akin to D. kool, OHG. chol, cholo, G. kohle, Icel. kol, pl., Sw. kol, Dan. kul; cf. Skr. jval to burn. Cf. {Kiln}, {Collier}.] 1. A thoroughly charred, and extinguished or still ignited, fragment from wood or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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