Exchange, natural gas

Exchange, natural gas
  A type of energy exchange in which one company agrees to deliver gas, either directly or through intermediaries, to another company at one location or in one time period in exchange for the delivery by the second company to the first company of an equivalent volume or heat content at a different location or time period. Note: Such agreements may or may not include the payment of fees in dollar or volumetric amounts.
  U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration's Energy Glossary

Energy terms . 2014.

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  • Natural gas prices — at the Henry Hub in US Dollars per MBtu for the 2000 2010 decade. Natural gas prices, as with other commodity prices, are mainly driven by supply and demand fundamentals. However, natural gas prices may also be linked to the price of crude oil… …   Wikipedia

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  • Natural gas — For other uses, see Natural gas (disambiguation). Natural gas extraction by countries in cubic meters per year. Natural gas is a naturally occurring gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, typically with 0–20% higher hydrocarbons[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Liquefied Natural Gas — The liquefied state of natural gas, which is created by cooling the gas to about 260°fahrenheit. Energy companies change the state of natural gas into liquid form mainly for ease of transport. Natural gas in liquid form takes up about 1/600… …   Investment dictionary

  • Wet natural gas —   A mixture of hydrocarbon compounds and small quantities of various non hydrocarbons existing in the gaseous phase or in solution with crude oil in porous rock formations at reservoir conditions. The principal hydrocarbons normally contained in… …   Energy terms

  • Oil and Natural Gas Corporation — Limited Type State owned enterprise Public Traded as NSE:  …   Wikipedia

  • United States Natural Gas Fund - UNG — An exchange traded security designed to track percentage changes in the price of natural gas delivered to Henry Hub, Louisiana, the main U.S. benchmark for natural gas. UNG invests primarily in futures contracts but also in natural gas related… …   Investment dictionary

  • Natural scientific research in Canada — This article outlines the history of natural scientific research in Canada, including mathematics, physics, astronomy, space science, geology, oceanography, chemistry, biology, medical research and psychology. The social sciences are not treated… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas Exporting Countries Forum — The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) is an organization of world s leading gas producers, which was established in Tehran in 2001. The aims of the GECF are: * to foster the concept of mutuality of interests by favouring dialogue between… …   Wikipedia

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