Energy Resources Program Account
- Energy Resources Program Account
The state law that directs California electric utility companies to gather a state energy surcharge per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed by a customer. These funds are used for operation of the California Energy Commission. As of January 1, 2004, the surcharge is set at of three-tenths of one mil ($0.0003) per kilowatt-hour
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Energy resources of Iran — consist of the second largest oil reserves and the fourth largest natural gas reserves in the world. Iran is in a constant battle to use its energy resources more effectively in the face of subsidization and the need for technological advances in … Wikipedia
California Energy Commission — The state agency established by the Warren Alquist State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Act in 1974 (Public Resources Code, Sections 25000 et seq.) responsible for energy policy. The Energy Commission s five major areas of… … Energy terms
World energy resources and consumption — In order to directly compare world energy resources and consumption of energy, this article uses SI units and prefixes and measures energy rate (or power) in watts (W) and amounts of energy in joules (J). One watt is one joule per second. In 2005 … Wikipedia
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 — Full title Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Enacted by the 110th United States Congress Citations Public Law … Wikipedia
Energy policy of the United States — The energy policy of the United States is determined by federal, state and local public entities in the United States, which address issues of energy production, distribution, and consumption, such as building codes and gas mileage standards.… … Wikipedia
Energy policy of Australia — The Energy policy of Australia is subject to regulation and fiscal influence by all three levels of Government, however State and Federal energy policy deals with primary industries, such as coal. Australia is a major exporter and user of coal,… … Wikipedia
Energy policy of the People's Republic of China — The energy policy of the People s Republic of China is a policy decided on by the Central Government with regard to energy and energy resources. The country is currently the world s largest emitter of greenhouse gases according to a Dutch… … Wikipedia
Energy in Taiwan — Map of Taiwan The Republic of China, since the 1970s commonly known as Taiwan lacks energy resources and highly depends on import, so it is a top priority to develop clean, sustainable, and independent energy and achieve the balance among energy… … Wikipedia
ERPA — Energy Resources Program Account (funding that supports the Energy Commission) … Energy terms
Energy policy of China — The energy policy in China is the sum up of different aspects of energy policy of the People s Republic of China. The country is currently the world s largest emitter of greenhouse gas according to a Dutch research agency. [cite news… … Wikipedia