Energy efficiency ratio

Energy efficiency ratio
  See EER.
  California Energy Comission. Dictionary of Energy Terms

Energy terms . 2014.

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  • Energy Efficiency Ratio — (EER)   The measure of the instantaneous energy efficiency of room air conditioners; the cooling capacity in Btu/hr divided by the watts of power consumed at a specific outdoor temperature (usually 95 degrees Fahrenheit) …   Energy terms

  • energy efficiency ratio — noun Usage: often capitalized both Es&R : a number expressing the relative efficiency of an appliance (as a room air conditioner) that is obtained by dividing the unit s output in BTUs per hour by its energy requirement in watts * * * a measure… …   Useful english dictionary

  • energy efficiency ratio — a measure of the efficiency of a heating or cooling system, as a heat pump or air conditioner, equal to the ratio of the output in B.T.U./hour to the input in watts: A high efficiency home window air conditioner has an energy efficiency ratio of… …   Universalium

  • energy efficiency ratio — en′ergy effi ciency ra tio n. cvb ene a measure of the efficiency of a heating or cooling system, equal to the ratio of the output in BTU per hour to the input in watts Abbr.: EER …   From formal English to slang

  • energy efficiency ratio — noun the ratio of the cooling capacity of an air conditioning system (measured in Btus per hour) to the power input (measured in watts) at a given set of rating conditions, expressed as Btu/h per watt. Abbrev.: EER …  

  • energy efficiency ratio — (EER) The ratio of the rated cooling capacity in Btu per hour divided by the amount of electrical power used in watts …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Seasonal energy efficiency ratio — The efficiency of air conditioners is often rated by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) which is defined by the [Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute] in its standard ARI 210=240, Performance Rating of Unitary Air… …   Wikipedia

  • Seasonal energy efficiency ratio — (SEER)   Ratio of the cooling output divided by the power consumption. It is the Btu of cooling output during its normal annual usage divided by the total electric energy input in watt hours during the same period. This is a measure of the… …   Energy terms

  • Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio — (SEER)   A measure of seasonal or annual efficiency of a central air conditioner or air conditioning heat pump. It takes into account the variations in temperature that can occur within a season and is the average number of Btu of cooling… …   Energy terms

  • Energy Efficiency —   Programs that reduce consumption.   ***   A ratio of service provided to energy input (e.g., lumens to watts in the case of light bulbs). Services provided can include buildings sector end uses such as lighting, refrigeration, and heating:… …   Energy terms

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