Liquefied Petroleum Gases
- Liquefied Petroleum Gases
A group of hydrocarbon-based gases derived from crude oil refining or natural gas fractionation. They include ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene, normal butane, butylene, isobutane, and isobutylene. For convenience of transportation, these gases are liquefied through pressurization.
U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration's Energy Glossary
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Liquefied Refinery Gases — (LRG) Liquefied petroleum gases fractionated from refinery or still gases. Through compression and/or refrigeration, they are retained in the liquid state. The reported categories are ethane/ethylene, propane/propylene, normal butane/butylene,… … Energy terms
Liquefied petroleum gas — (also called LPG, GPL, LP Gas, or liquid propane gas) is a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles. It is increasingly used as an aerosol propellant and a refrigerant, replacing chlorofluorocarbons … Wikipedia
liquefied petroleum gas — noun A mixture of propane and butane with traces of some other gases, which is kept in a liquid state at high pressure in metal bottles, and used as a source of gas for cooking, heating and as a fuel in internal combustion engines in vehicles.… … Wiktionary
liquefied petroleum gas — 1. (or LP gas, LPG, bottled gas) Industry terms for any material composed predominantly of the following hydrocarbons or mixture of them: Propane, propylene, butanes, and butylenes. Recovered from natural and refinery gases and kept under… … Petroleum refining glossary
liquefied petroleum gas — noun hydrocarbon gases, usually propane or butane, kept under pressure • Syn: ↑bottled gas • Hypernyms: ↑gas, ↑hydrocarbon … Useful english dictionary
Petroleum products — Petroleum products are obtained from the processing of crude oil (including lease condensate), natural gas, and other hydrocarbon compounds. Petroleum products include unfinished oils, liquefied petroleum gases, pentanes plus, aviation gasoline … Energy terms
petroleum refining — Introduction conversion of crude oil into useful products. History Distillation of kerosene and naphtha The refining of crude petroleum owes its origin to the successful drilling of the first oil well in Titusville, Pa., in 1859. Prior to… … Universalium
Petroleum — For other uses, see Petroleum (disambiguation). Proven world oil reserves, 2009 … Wikipedia
Liquefied natural gas — Not to be confused with Natural Gas Liquids (NGL). Liquefied natural gas or LNG is natural gas (primarily methane, CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport. Liquefied natural gas takes up about 1/600th the… … Wikipedia
petroleum production — Introduction recovery of crude oil and, often, associated natural gas from the Earth. petroleum is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon material that is believed to have formed in deep sedimentary (sedimentary rock) beds from animal and … Universalium